Since 1980, Grandmaster Carl H. MacDermott III (8th Dan Moo Duk Kwan Tang Soo Do) has taught Tang Soo Do, through MacDermott’s Tang Doo Do, to Southeastern Massachusetts. Each school is comprised of one, or more, certified instructors that direct the operations of each class.
On January 1, 2011, MacDermott’s Tang Soo Do changed its name to Precision Tang Soo Do. The lessons, instructors, and core values stayed the same. In fact, the only thing that changed, along with the name, is Master Hile and Master Moore took over the administration of the schools. This change allows Grandmaster MacDermott to be able to concentrate all his Tang Soo Do time to teaching.
This website should answer a lot of general questions for those starting out. As well as, provide more information to current parents and students of all ranks. Thank you for checking us out and please contact us for any additional information.
For more information please email us at precisiontsd@comcast.net.

Grandmaster MacDermott and Martin 8th Dan